I was preparing for a festival and I wanted to bring some products to sell. However, my craft with these devotional and ritual products is that they are truly an expression of my divine art and cannot be forced in anyway. So I was trying to make an anointing oil and nothing I was trying to do was really giving me any results. During this time I was extremely ungrounded. My house was destroyed from trying to rearrange and pack for this festival. Simultaneously, I was handling getting new tires and the other vehicle had just broken down.
Finally I asked myself, “What medicine can I bring to this event, what frequencies can bring the most love”
And BAM. I was like “Oh I need to bring grounding” and then the ground anointing oil was born. From tapping into this state of ungroundedness I saw what frequencies I should invite into the field. What ingredients to use. And it warms my heart to see this magical transmission also be felt by the people who use this oil.
If you're feeling ungrounded and in need of some divine support, I invite you to experience the Grounding Anointing Oil for yourself. This oil was created with love, intention, and the purest frequencies to help you find your center. You can bring this grounding energy into your life today link to purchase here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1766741822/grounding-anointing-oil?ref=listings_manager_grid
Much Love Fam