The sacral chakra is the home of our essence, our pleasure, and our creative energy. It is a chakra most people are disconnected from. The sacral chakra is the second chakra in the chakra system, it is located underneath the belly button. This chakra is orange and is associated with the water element.
Themes of the Sacral Chakra:
Creative energy
Areas of the Body it Governs:
Reproductive and sexual organs Womb
Large intestine
Signs of a Sacral Chakra Imbalance:
Lack of fulfillment
Sexual problems or lack of sexuality
Not able to hear your higher self or not listening to your higher self or intuition
Afraid or unable to express who you truly are through your passions, wants, needs, and desires
Feelings of shame and guilt when you do express your true self
Repressing or overcontrolling of the self
Addiction or chronic coping
Self-sacrificing and people-pleasing hoping others will do the same
Issues with the related body parts the sacral chakra governs
Tools to Bring the Sacral Chakra into Balance:
Create, create, and create! Do art, make music, write, or build something. Find a creative outlet you enjoy!
Sit with, express, and surrender to your emotions. Your emotions are your guide through life. It is important to spend time understanding and expressing them. You can write them down, talk to someone, or use the creative outlet you chose.
Go after the things you want and desire. Let yourself indulge in the things that bring you pleasure. If you are not too sure what those things are, try a variety of different things until you feel that feeling of pleasure.
Let go of living by other people's expectations. What people think has more to do with their world view and their past experiences. If you continue to live by someone else's rules you will always be their prisoner.
Go after your passions. Follow what inspires you! This is your soul's way of guiding you to the right path. It doesn't matter how small or insignificant it seems. It could be the bridge to bring you closer to what you want or need for your journey.
Stop self-sacrificing and people-pleasing This is a subconscious control tactic that shows up in relationships. It manifests as repressing, restricting, and controlling yourself to be seen as good to get others to treat you in a specific way. Usually done to get love, appreciation, and affection.
Incorporate the color orange into your life. Some examples are to paint with it, wear it, or add it to your decore.
Work with orange crystals. Some of my favorites are carnelian and orange citrine.
Eat orange foods! I like oranges, carrots, sweet potatoes, and turmeric.
Do kundalini yoga! This type of yoga unlocks and sends your creative life force energy throughout your whole body!
Dance! Dancing also pulls this kundalini or creative life force energy through your whole body and releases stored emotion.
Chant Vam. Vam is the seed sound for the sacral chakra.
Have a conscious self-pleasure practice. I know this is taboo but sexual energy = creative energy!