There is no exact formula to success. Manifesting is not strategic in any way.
All these success formulas are legit just someone else's beliefs sold to you. From Neville's work to the rise of law of assumption teachers everywhere. While there may be some helpful principles, one thing is true, these are all beliefs that are given to you.
After documenting my intuition for over 4 years I can see that I was always right.
Despite what I was being told through coaching.
Whether that was business coaching, marketing coaching, fitness coaching, manifesting coaching, spiritual coaching one consistent pattern is there. What my intuition was telling me to do was the thing to do.
And through my documentation I can see that it would have saved me MONTHS OR YEARS if I would have listened to myself.
We are all meant to inspire each other. But we are all complex universes with very particular feeling states built within us. We all need different things to shift.
Your higher self is on your side and knows the way. Literally, it's never going to have you do something that is not for your highest and best.
And especially in the manifesting community, when I have done what other coaches told me to do, it actually gave me resistance. In my experience its only when I fully said f*ck all that did I get success.
There is one fundamental truth to this game of beliefs and the law, what you say is true is true. That's it. Everything else is just an half truth accept YOU ARE I AM. So make your own rules.
Much love you powerful beings.