Everyone has an inner child. This is the innocent essence of our being.
In times where we encountered trauma, felt defenseless, or neglected, our inner child can fragment and become wounded. This translates into stuck trauma in the body and seeking other people to meet all of our needs.
Here are some tips to reclaim your innocent essence and release stored emotions:
Take responsibility for your inner child.
Realize the only person that can heal your inner child is you. It is not your partner's or friend's job to do this. Even if you get all the love and reassurance in the world, if you don't give it to yourself first it will not fulfill you.
Yoga, breathwork, dance, and meditation.
These practices released stored trauma in the body allowing you to make space for new things in your life.
When you are triggered, brainstorm if that feeling occurred in your past.
Sit with the feeling you felt in your past. Honor it, thank it for all it has taught you. Then ask what your inner child needs to feel better in the present. It can be something simple, like taking a walk or taking a nap.
We often manifest the same situations in order to heal our past. Doing these practices will make us more secure and empowered individuals. Living in more alignment with who we really are.