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Feeling stuck?

Genevieve Godwin

Are you at a crossroads in your life right now? Are you feeling lost? Or have you been going through the motions not really sure what you came here to do?

I have felt that feeling of being stuck or lost many times in my life.

Now I see it as an indicator that I need to make a change or at the very least change my perspective.

The most influential time I felt lost was back when I was going to school for psychology.

I was so stressed out from balancing work and school. It was impossible to get any self care or me time in. I remember thinking, “Man I will be a part of this hustle and producing lifestyle for the rest of my life if I continue down this path”. I wanted to go to do research more than work with people 1:1 so I knew my entire life would be a research report. There would always be a part of my mind that was thinking about that study. I would essentially have no days off since the study would have consumed my life until it was over. It also had to go through many people before even getting in the text books.

There was something inside of me telling me that we are not here to produce, hustle, or work a 9-5 until we retire. I would look at everyone around me who had chosen that lifestyle and none of them seemed truly happy. They were all just living for the weekend. What kind of life is that? Hating your life but 2 days out of the week you can actually embody your true self. Most of them had either just listened to what their parents wanted them to do, or just went into what they thought would make them the most money.

This lack of following your heart or purpose is what I believe causes most of the distress and suffering in the world.

So I really debated, do I want to be a part of this system? The answer was no. Well what did I want to do? I didn’t have a for sure answer at that time but I knew that I wanted to be a good cell to the planet. I knew my constant suffering and distress was damaging the collective, therefore damaging the plant.

So I did what seemed crazy to my friends and family, I quit school. With no plan other than to figure out my exact purpose and to be a good cell for the earth.

For the next 6 months I focused on doing the things that brought me joy. I dove deeper into my spirituality. I got into nature as much as I could. I journaled anything that brought me inspiration and joy.

Then that's when I realized I had always been into metaphysics and yoga. I started with learning about Wicca in 6th grade and doing yoga all throughout high school. Why not make this my career where I could help people.

Do I regret my decision to leave college? Absolutely not, but if you are going to school for your purpose keep going. For me the lack of pursuing my purpose on earth and not pursuing something that I enjoyed, was literally draining my life force energy and causing me stress. I feel like it was my body’s way of nudging me in the right direction.

Yes, maybe my mission and purpose has changed and evolved but during this whole journey I’ve gained more wholeness, gratitude, and joy that never would have gotten if I would have continued down the same path. Because of that I would not have wanted to do it any other way. I’d take all the judgements, all the frowns and questions on what I am doing with my life, all over again.

See it’s not about getting it right, it’s okay if things change. Things are going to change. As you evolve so will your purpose. The key is to keep following that joy, inspiration, and passion to bring you closer and closer to who you really are.

If you are looking for some direction in your life or need some help finding that inspiration, I currently have a few spots available for my private sessions to figure that out.

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