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9 tips for self-care on a budget 💥

Genevieve Godwin

Self-care isn't only about getting massages or bodywork regularly. There are many things you can do today to boost the relationship you have with yourself.

The more you care and honor yourself the more you can trust yourself.

Here are some things I do to tend and care for myself:

❤ Get out into nature.

Get out in the sun, hug a tree, put my bare feet in some grass, garden, or go for a walk. Talk to all the plants, animals, and minerals you pass. They all are medicine and have teachings for you.

❤ Sea salt or Epson salt baths.

Salt detoxifies the body as well as the auric field. If you don't have a bathtub you can exfoliate with salt mixed with your soap.

❤ Stretch, yoga, dance, or breathwork.

These tools release stuck energy and trauma from your body. Once you release the energy you'll be able to come home to who you truly are outside of your conditioning, beliefs, and trauma.

❤ Meditation or prayer.

Meditation stills the mind so you can clearly hear your intuition. Prayer gives you a chance to ask your spirit team, source, and your HigherSelf for help or just to give thanks. You are not alone, but asking for help is the key since we all have free will.

❤ Taking things slow or resting when needed.

It's not necessary to push your body you'll be way more efficient if you allow yourself to recharge. If you have a big project that you need to get done, take breaks! Take that nap if you need it! Honor your body it does so much for you!

❤ Do something creative.

That can be singing, dancing, making music, art, building things, writing, ect.

❤ Listen to your favorite music, read, or watch your favorite show!

❤ Clean your room or space!

A cluttered room= a cluttered mind.

❤ Say no when you need to.

Self-sacrificing is the biggest form of self-abandonment. The more you abandon yourself the more you imprint yourself with distrust. It's okay to say no. Think about it would you want someone to do something for you that didn't want to do it?

I hope these tips help! Even if you just incorporate one each tip comes a long way!


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