Most of us want to make an impact on the world but we don't know how. The way to do it is to be in service to the collective each day.
Here are some easy ways to be of service to the world:
1) Smile at all the people you come across
2) Call or go see an elder
3) Bring food or water to someone that is without
4) Sing a song to nature spirits, the earth, or the universe as an offering for your gratitude.
5) Give someone a medicine gift. Maybe so herbs, flowers, crystals, candles, oils, mists, or feathers.
6) Send someone a prayer. This is one of the most powerful things you can do. It is especially good if you have nothing to give.
These tips come from the 11:11 teachings about the universal and spiritual laws of creator.
When we give we receive. Have you ever done something nice for someone just because? How did you feel afterward? The more we step into our sacred service and help all beings in any way we can, the more we receive. We receive more than just material items but this can happen too. We keep our hearts open. Our heart is the true mind. When the heart is open life unfolds for us and we can clearly see what direction to go. We hear our inner guidance system easily. We feel grateful and in bliss.